Magenta Attunement


Attunement+Manual+Diploma in PDF



Magenta Attunement

The Magenta Ray and Magenta vibration combine the power of Red and Violet in a higher octave sublimating the essence and strength of these two colors. The Magenta vibrational frequency has been experienced as being immediately prior to the full Ascension, which is why this “bandwidth” is said to be used by Ascended beings, the Magdalenes, Angelic and Archangelic beings working in service to the highest good of all. It is also a color radiation profoundly connected to the Divine Feminine.

Magenta is a very special color that resonates strongly with the 8th chakra above the 7th chakra over our heads. It is a vibration that allows us to INTEGRATE all our experiences from multiple lifetimes, timelines and different realities in a cohesive way without fragmenting ourselves in a myriad of aspects. Magenta brings all of our experiences into our Oneness and helps us become Whole and complete, healing our fragmentation.

This attunement connects you to the Magenta Ray and the Magenta color. You can use this attunement as a stand-alone healing tool to channel its energy in hands-on-healing practices such as Reiki, massage, or else you can work with your pendulums transmitting this radiation onto your clients. You can also charge crystals, water or other objects that you want to empower with this radiation.

The Magenta frequency is so high that it can be used in Space Clearing in the corners of the room and the center of the space with the intention to clear all dense energies. (in this sense it has a higher frequency than the violet flame).

The Magenta Ray and energy has been very closely connected to Divine Love and brings this deep nurturing quality that is so needed to heal our heart´s wounds and emotional body. It is a radiation that is extremely protective and supportive of our Inner Child.

Other properties of the Magenta Ray

-Helps you connect with your ascended Self, your ascension team

-Helps you connect to your Higher Self, your 8th chakra

-Helps you nourish yourself with pure unconditional love

-Helps integrate our life experience in a cohesive manner allowing us to become whole and remain whole without fragmenting ourselves.

-Helps us center ourselves in our cosmic axis.

-Brings us at a higher octave, opens the gates for a new ascensional cycle.

-Nourishes the heart-mind

-Ignites a profound transformation when working regularly with it.

-Provides a strong protection.


These attunements are purely spiritual-energetic-vibrational transmissions.They are NOT a course in Dowsing or a Course in Energy therapies on how to channel energies, transmit energies. We understand that those booking these attunements already have an understanding of what an energetic transmission-attunement is and what they can do with it.

If you need further clarifications after booking an Attunement, you can book a 30 min mentoring session with us on this LINK.

Product details:

Attunement +  Manual+ Diploma in PDF. Attunement (energetic transmission) performed within the following 48h after purchasing the attunement. Please make sure you write your email correctly and the name of the person to be attuned.The attunement is performed at a distance.


An original Pura Presencia ™ product created with full love and conscious intent for the highest good of all.



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