Pure Diamond Light Attunement


Distance attunement.



Pure Diamond Light Attunement

The purpose of this attunement is to transmit the vibrational essence of the Pure Diamond Light, a highly refined vibration that is able to transform our deepest density into our luminous and crystalline body essence just like a Diamond has transformed itself from a carbon structure into a crystalline one.

This attunement transmits to you the Pure Diamond Light, a vibrational and luminous essence that has the ability to help us heal everything it touches, supporting the lifting of any dense vibration on people, animals, spaces and objects and moving us gently and at times powerfully into a process of deep transformation. This ability to introduce change in our lives will be in alignment with our willingness to embrace change and renovation. Thus, the attunement will work differently on persons, animals, spaces, depending on their degree of openness to those changes. The Pure Diamond Light energy transmission works for the highest good of everyone taking into account what is our next phase and shifting gears for us to move in that direction.

The attunement allows you to:

  • Channel the Pure Diamond Light vibration
  • Impregnate your pendulums with this vibration
  • Transmit the vibration to others in your pendulum/healing sessions
  • Charge objects, stones, crystals with this vibration
  • Bring about profound or gentle transformations onto yourself and others depending on the degree of openness for such a shift.

These attunements have been tested by Baj-Pendulos in terms of their vibrational quality, clarity and integrity of the transmission. They will be transmitted by Barbara Meneses individually.


These attunements are purely spiritual-energetic-vibrational transmissions.They are NOT a course in Dowsing or a Course in Energy therapies on how to channel energies, transmit energies. We understand that those booking these attunements already have an understanding of what an energetic transmission-attunement is and what they can do with it.

If you need further clarifications after booking an Attunement, you can book a 30 min mentoring session with us on this LINK.

Product details:


Energetic vibrational attunement AT A DISTANCE performed by Barbara Meneses within the following 48h after your purchase (except week ends and holidays). You will receive an instruction manual in PDF and a diploma. Please give us your full name and location for the attunement.



An original Pura Presencia ™ product created with full love and conscious intent for the highest good of all.


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