CHALLENGING THE PAST/ a 30 day practice

From the Realms of Light we are being supported by more than 90 Light Beings including 10 Archangels supporting our practice of continuously choosing to remain in our Present Moment, the Here and Now, releasing all attachments and habits of falling into thinking/speaking about the Past.

This practice is bringing us much more than the obvious strengthening of our Conscious Attention, our Mindfulness, our capacity to choose to remain Present without allowing the Mind to wonder into past thinking…

This practice is literally rewiring our multidimensional energy system and structure to higher octaves, ones we couldnt reach as our attachments were holding us back.

This rewiring is being done behind the scenes of our conscious we reach our 30 day practice we will be in a new inner landscape, much more aligned, in tune, connected with our Pure Presence, our Beingness, and that is… Paradise…

Keep up the good work…
Barbara Meneses

What is Challenging the past? Read more about it here and if you want to participate write your name under the original post in this link:…/a.50099336340…/1187076714798119/…


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