
Test page for Online Courses

The Online courses are non refundable. Please run this test prior to paying for a course and check you can see the video and download the document included. Test page Password 88432 If you can see the video, there is no reason...

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Care for your Soul

With the next full Moon, tomorrow, we will hit a strong astrological change, although it will not be "permanent" at the moment. It is about Pluto in Capricorn... for those of you (we have) had this position strongly determining our astral charts, it is possible that...

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Attunement combinations

IDEAS. With the attunements that we offer you can combine them in a powerful "combo" to clean your aura for example. Three attunements that I have used lately and that I find make an excellent synergy are these: -Violet Flame -Cristic Acid -Healing Roses. First I...

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Insights 2023

Insights 2023 For those who this might help... We are discovering subtle forms of abuse and seeing how Humanity is under a strong Stockholm Syndrome that makes it justify the abuses received, which paralyzes all forms of resolution thereof, and keeps people in vicious...

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Dowsing practitioner levels

Dowsing levels on our page and our products For Dowsing courses and manuals (for an indicative classification of pendulums by level you can read the information in this LINK) We establish these levels especially for people who have a very basic level, so that they...

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On lies and values

We may wake up to the reality that the History they told us is a tremendous lie in the spiritual, the scientific, the political, the historical, the social, the geographical ... whatever you look at it ... Many people will fall into a crisis of cognitive dissonance...

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Free energy protector

  We have performed a global healing for Lightworkers in order to help them experience greater levels of freedom from an energetic stand point and in order to Protect their Light bodies, DNA and whole energy field. You can claim the results of this healing...

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Results Divine Mother´s blessing session

      SESSION RESULTS DIVINE MOTHER BLESSING We have transmitted the Blessings of the Divine Mother to all the targeted people. The transmission has been at the energetic and spiritual level and in addition to that, the Mother has asked us to transmit...

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Happy Easter holidays

  Wishing you all a phenomenal Easter Holiday... for those in the Christian Tradition, may the Love of Christ shine bright in your hearts igniting your Spirit in the Light of Truth, Hope, Faith, Strength, Wisdom, Love and Compassion. For those in other...

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A healing experience with our Bach Flowers Dowsing Chart Sheet

  A student and felow dowser reports of a success helping a dog by means of our Bach Flower Dowsing chart which has impregnated the essence of the Bach Flowers from their purest form for us to be able to work with our pendulums and other ways,. Here is his story...

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Results Group session Cleaning the Psyche March 7th 21

  GROUP SESSION RESULTS PSYQUE CLEANING Sunday 7 March 2021 On a scale from 0 to 10, the general level of cleanliness of the group's Psyche was before the start of the session at 4.3 out of 10, 10 being the level of perfect cleanliness. We have worked with the...

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Group session Cleaning the Psyche March 7th 21

  Group session Cleaning the Psyche Date: Sunday 7 March 2021 Time: 18h Madrid Spain (calculate your time zone) at a distance: It is NOT recorded or online. Session purpose: With the Oniris Pendulum specialized in working the Psyche, dreams, we are going to help...

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Results Light Bath group session February 21st

  RESULTS GROUP SESSION LIGHT BATH We have worked with more than 100 people signed up on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram to our session. We have worked with the Essene Rahma Pendulum, transmitting Divine Light, luminous frequencies, perfect balance to our entire...

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Results group session rigid mental patterns

GROUP SESSION RESULTS RIGID PATTERNS At the group level, the level of rigidity of the mental patterns that you chose to work on in this session was 5/10, 10 being the maximum level of rigidity, so within what is possible they were not enormously rigid, so you may have...

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Celebrating our true essence!

  You might believe in Yeshua, the Christ or you may not,either way you can celebrate your true essence!!! For me, Yeshua is a Living principle of absolute Love and Goodness, an aspect of Source that incarnated in flesh to help us recover our true essence. For...

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Merry Christmas Dowsing fam!

  Dear Dowsing fam!!! Wishing you all a phenomena Christmas time. What a year!!!! Let´s celebrate that we made it!!! We are more awakened, more empowered and more sovereign thanks to ALL that we managed to SEE in this 2020 year of VISION. We wanted to see? Well,...

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Manipulating through brain hemispheres…

  A famous singer has been criticized in Spain and accused of being "mad" because he doesn´t agree with the official narrative that is being implanted globally on Earth. This is just a reflection of how manipulation of society goes, by separating and dividing the...

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Your current role…

  Observe the "pulls" that the consensual reality that seems to be living collectively in these moments hits, looking for you to give your energy to such a party, such another, such a situation, such another, such a scenario of future events or such another. Call...

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Essene pendulum testimonial

    Essene Pendulum Testimonial A very attuned person with good subtle perception writes us to whom we ask for his assessment of the labels that accompany the Essene Pendulum. labels are felt internally. 1) they have a very high vibration that only their...

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A chaos wave

  We are detecting a Chaos Wave that possibly lasts at this intensity for about three days. It is important to surf this wave as calmly and serenely as possible, slowing down our actions, movements and doing them with full awareness and intentionality. The way to...

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Hold vibrational Peace now

  For those of you who wonder what you can do in the face of the situation we are experiencing (however we define it, from the paradigm from which we observe our reality), one of the best actions we can do at this time is to focus on PEACE. Those who define...

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October red, yet blue skies

  MONTH OF OCTOBER / ENERGIES One month before the US elections, we are faced with one of the most complicated months of the year, not only at the political level but also at the level of Light and Darkness, at the level of the tensions that we have accumulated...

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Big shifts in the Astral plane

  Big changes occuring in the Astral plane for the highest good of all. The changes are still creating a transitioning Astral plane but it will stabilize in something MUCH BETTER according to my perceptions and measurements. Hang in there, do not dispair in the...

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Free group session Inner Smile 24th Sept 2020

  INNER SMILE FREE GROUP SESSION DATE: Thursday 24 Sept 2020 Time: 19h Madrid Spain (in the distance, calculate your time by time difference) Who can participate: All those who sign up under the original post by following the link that we put below. Ask...

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Results group session Profound Love and Spiritual Guidance (Aug, 13th 2020)

GROUP SESSION RESULTS DEEP LOVE AND SPIRITUAL SUPPORT We have carried out a transmission of Profound Love through different means, including the Pendulum of the Archangels. Likewise, we have transmitted from the Source a powerful energy of spiritual support to each...

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Our newsletter comes in 2 languages in ONE SINGLE EMAIL. Normally we will first write in English and below the english people will find the Spanish translation. yet sometimes we do shift this to honor our Spanish speaking readers. So please, make sure you scroll until...

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Testimonial Exor pendulum

TESTIMONIAL Exor pendulum Months ago a client used this pendulum for her community of owners for a debt of 13 thousand euros. She used the pendulum and that debt pending to be collected for years, was finally collected a few days after working the situation with Exor....

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Hydration in Dowsing

I have bought a water distiller I will tell you how it goes ... at an energy level, the distilled water that I have just made from the well in my farm house has an amazing energy.... it comes directly from a very special mountain! I would like to remind you that in...

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Free Group Session Light Bath end practice “Yes I love you”

  FREE GROUP SESSION END OF THE PRACTICE "Yes I Love you" Date: June 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in Madrid, Spain (calculate your time zone) It is not live, it is in the distance WE CLOSE THE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 30 MIN BEFORE YOU BEGIN SESSION Who can participate:...

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Results Group session support 21 days practice “Yes I love You”

Group Session in support of participants 21 days of Practice "YES I Love You" We have transmitted energies and frequencies to raise our vibratory field through the pendulums: -Magdalene -Shambhala -Archangels Pendulum in: Divine Light, Archangel Raphael At the end of...

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“Yes I Love you” a 21 days practice 23rd May to 12th June 2020

  THANKS FOR SHARING A 21-day practice to RISE OUR OUR VIBRATION From May 23, 2020 to June 12, 2020 You can sign up under this FACEBOOK post, it is free Or else under this Youtube post PRACTICE 21 DAYS "If I love you" ———————————————- We begin a 21-day practice...

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