Date Sunday 6 September 2020
Time: 19h Madrid Spain
Session in distance (calculate your time zone)
We close the list of participants 30 min before we start by deleting this from Facebook post.

You can also sign in through this Youtube post

Purpose: To energetically support the people who sign up under this post to live in the best possible way the global situation we have at this time, relieving tensions, frustration, fear, despair, anger, repressed emotions and subtle dense energies affecting the group.

We will work with the Mahasiddha pendulum because with it we can do a comprehensive and complete session.

Who can join: Anyone who wishes to participate in this session. If you are going to target people, let it be with their consent.
What to do during the session: nothing, you can simply decree the following: “I open myself to receive only the best of this session if it is for my highest good, thank you.” You do not need to be aware of the session if you do not want, just by putting your Name under this post you already participate in the session and you will receive its effects.
What to do after the session: drink water, rest

Organized by: Barbara Meneses, Pura Presencia-Baj-pendulos

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