My name is Barbara Meneses. Dowsing is one of my passions. I have been practicing it intensively for 20 + years. I warmly invite you to enter the fascinating world of pendulums and dowsing (radiesthesia). Discover the many ways in which these tools and this Ancient Art can help and assist us and our loved ones.

It is a great honor to have been invited by the Polish Laboratory Baj to be their exclusive distributor in Spain and Spanish speaking countries.  This company, founded by Jozef Baj, an internationally renowned mechanical engineer, produces pendulums of an extremely high vibrational quality and perfection. High quality not only in relation to their shape but also with regards to their content, vibrational level and purity of intent. Their pendulums are known to be “Pendulums with a Soul.”

You will find in this website the history of Jozef Baj, his pendulums, a product catalog with detailed descriptions on each tool, as well as Introductory and Advanced Courses in Dowsing. We also produce a blog with news and articles related to the world of radiesthesia and the latest dowsing trends.

Pendulums are used today in a variety of fields where measuring, detecting, locating and correcting vibrational patterns, waveforms or particular emissions are required. They are used in fields such as Geobiology, sacred and bio-dynamic Architecture, Complementary Therapies, Personal Development, certain Spiritual Approaches, Psychotherapy and Counseling, Feng Shui, Vastu, and historical-intuitive Research to name but a few. Dowsing-radiesthesia has also been used in the military and police fields for purposes such as searching for water or missing persons.

Venturing into this field of research with the help of great and reliable tools is highly important and will make a big difference to your work. We trust that we are bringing to you some of the most reliable, well calibrated and vibrationally clear pendulums and tools available today.

We also offer as Pura Presencia, specific pendulums, manuals, dowsing charts, online courses and much more.

We will be happy assisting your queries in English, French, and Spanish. Please, feel free to use our contact page for further inquiries. Also please read our Terms and Conditions page prior to making any purchase on the bottom banner of this page.

Please be patient when placing an order as the nature of some of our pendulums totally handmade and created following a delicate process may require more time than regular pendulums to be processed and shipped to you. But your patience will be totally worthwhile! 🙂


Please read our terms and conditions. We sell worldwide ALL our products that are Not from BAJ lab. Products from BAJ lab are sold worldwide except on those countries where there is another official distributor such as: , Germany, Switzerland, and Austria where you will find other appointed distributors.


Barbara Meneses Montgomery.

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Bárbara Meneses Montgomery

Baj pendulums Official Distributor, CEO Pura Presencia, Dowser-radiesthetic practitionner and teacher, bioenergetic consultant.

Discover all our pendulums and their many uses

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