Who is your facilitator

Barbara Meneses Montgomery is half Spanish Half Australian, born in Spain in 1968.

She belongs to a family of journalists and, for 15 years, she was a journalist herself.

In the year 2000, she had a Spiritual awakening followed by a series of experiences which lead her to focus her journalistic skills on the inner world, the inner dynamics of Consciousness, the Spiritual world.

After that intense year, she woke up one morning with the clear insight that she then had to do her “inner work”.

Interviewing Maria, Dr Albert Schweitzer´s right hand at Lambarene hospital in Gabon in 1983

This “inner work” as she refers to became her single work for the next 18 years. She quit her journalistic profession, retired to the countryside and worked intensively to undo her programmings, face all her unresolved issues, childhood traumas and many other entanglements. As she faced one issue after another, a series of healing tools appeared in her reality to address those internal conflicts. The more she asked, the more answers she received and the deeper she went in her healing and self discovery journey.

Dowsing appeared at the beginning of her path in 2000 a practice she learned basically by herself through practice, trials and errors.

The more she cleared internally, the more tools she gathered and eventually, she started helping others on their way. This is how this whole range of teachings, tools and bioenergetic sessions offered in this web page came to be.

Barbara holds a Bachelors degree in Political Sciences majoring in Foreign Affairs. She has trained as professional Counsellor in Australia, is an Advanced Life Coach, Meridian Psychotherapist, practices Energy Medicine and Cymatics, she is trained in Acmos methodology and is a bioenergetic practitioner. She is a Dowser and Dowsing Teacher.

Barbara is the author of 2 printed books:

Africa a los 15 años (Africa at 15 years old) published when she was 18 years old 10,000 copies sold about her life experiences in Africa when she traveled there at a young age.

The Boy Who set Himself Free, a tale to overcome bullying (printed in Spanish and available in English in PDF format on Amazon.com)

From her Dowsing work, she has published different manuals and ebooks related to Dowsing and Healing and she has created Online courses in Dowsing, pendulum healing, the Lecher Antenna, both in English and Spanish.

Barbara at the front as she just arrived from the Gulf War in 1991.El SOL Newspaper, Spain

During her journalistic time, she worked for: TVE, EL SOL, LOS AVENTUREROS, PRODUCCIONES 52-CANAL NOU TV, and freelanced on a permanent basis for. EL PAIS, CHANNEL NINE AUSTRALIA, ALGERIAN PRESS AGENCY, and other magazines in Spain. She specialized in the Middle East although she also worked in Economics, Business News, Travels, Social news.

From the Spiritual perspective, Barbara has inmersed herself into different traditions in search of Truth. Her way is the path of Synthesis, gathering the Wisdom that can help us pragmatically bring an end to suffering.  She combines Spirituality, Psychology and Energy healing to bring healing to both the Mind, the Spirit and the energetic interface between them, as she found through her own life experiences that all three need to be addressed if one wants to achieve individuation and liberation.

Her logo and motto is Pura Presencia, a hummingbird with open wings and an opened heart, representing Pure Being, the Awakened Self that is fully open to Truth, to Love, to Life.

It is from the Pure Presence of her Being that she wishes to facilitate her healing sessions supporting others reach this inner state of profound peace and well-being, as they return to their True Nature in Grace and Love.

In the year 2014-15, she met the founders of BAJ laboratories in Poland as she wanted to develop bioenergetic tools. After this encounter, she was invited to become Distributor of BAJ products in Spain and other countries of the world. in 2015, she launched this website in Spanish and English, with exclusive content from her background as Dowser and Bioenergetic practitioner. She offers healing sessions, online courses, manuals and Dowsing keys along with BAJ pendulums and other bioenergetic tools. In cooperation with BAJ Lab she has developed a series of pendulums with manuals and teachings which are originally her ideas and inspired by other classical tools such as the Universal Pendulum.

Barbara lives in Spain and runs Pura Presencia Baj Pendulos. She is the one answering your emails, posting on social media and preparing your parcels, creating new pendulums, teachings, manuals etc:)



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