we have worked with three pendulums:
-Mahasiddha pendulum
-Essene pendulum

To carry out different transmissions of DIVINE LIGHT, to the mental, emotional, etheric, astral, physical bodies of the participants.
We have also carried out an energetic transmission of “gifts” from the Source for each person. That can be translated in a very personal way in the life of each one in the form of concrete blessings in some area (s) in which we need it.

We have included older people who might need it because they are confined to residences, away from their loved ones, as long as they wish to receive this transmission.

We wish you very happy holidays and that you can rest and celebrate with Love and Peace.
The energy field most needed for all the participants has been the emotional one, that is, we were all more touched in that space of our Being.

I asked if there was any message to transmit and the answer was that No. Not because there are no messages for each one of us but because it was not our responsibility today to collectively transmit more than what we have transmitted energetically and spiritually.

Drink water and rest,
Session facilitated by Barbara Meneses with the help of E.


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