In many parts of the world today is a day for The Mother …

I was sitting outside in the open air letting myself be caressed by the wind that gently touched my arms and I let myself be inspired by The Divine Mother and her message for today …

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you ….” “I love you, I love you, I love you” …

Her message is simple, but profound reaching deep at the very core of our being, and is there for each one of us if we quiet our senses, soften our hearts and open ourselves to receive her message …

Enjoy one of Her days, which is nothing but a symbolic date so that we pay attention to what is ALWAYS there for us, so that we choose to tune in, connect, open ourselves being receptive to what Is …

Allow her bath of Love to fill you … Fill your jugs with the sweet Honey of Love.

Blessings, happy day!
Barbara meneses

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