Group Session in support of participants 21 days of Practice “YES I Love You”

We have transmitted energies and frequencies to raise our vibratory field through the pendulums:



-Archangels Pendulum in: Divine Light, Archangel Raphael

At the end of the session we received a message from Jesus (Yeshua) :


I am blessing in this pratice which  brings you back to the Love that you are. Each one of you are vessels of Love if you open yourself to the love, to the practice, you will soon come to realize who you are at greater and greater depths. Hold my hand let me take you deeper into the Mysteries of your Essence. Keep practicing … greater levels will unfold the more you progress into this practice. Do not underestimate the depth of this simple practice, Yes I love you. Sink into this Love which we are. Yes, I Love You “, Jesus, Yeshua.


Session facilitated by Barbara Meneses, PuraPresencia Baj-Pendulos
Drink water, rest