Today is the day of No time in the Mayan calendar, a time for quiet introspection, synthesis and integration of the entire year…a time to empy ourselves in the Cosmic Womb of the Great Mother, to be renewed tomorrow with the beginning of a New Galactic Year, this time, the year of the Blue Lunar Storm, Cauac depending on the calendar you follow.

The Storm is regenerative, yang, cosmic electric energy, bringing transformation, a sense of renewal and direction… the fact that this Year, the Storm is lunar reflects the need to work on our emotions, our subconscious, our femenine side, our magnetic side to free ourselves from past programings and manipulations. How timely!!!

May you have a blissfull yet transformative year!, surf well the cosmic and galactic waves so you make the best out of this time, don´t let yourselves be bogged down by the doom and gloom, the fear-mongering of the outer world… things are polarized to the extreme but we can still be WISE DOVES…

There is a time to Battle, and a time to play it low under the radar… be wise doves…

Wishing you all the best,
Barbara Meneses