Date: Sunday, June 7, 2020,
Time: 19h Madrid Spain (At a the distance, calculate your time)
It is not live, it is at a the distance you do not have to do anything, just receive.

We close the list of participants 30 min before starting by deleting this post.

Who can join: ONLY participants practice 21 days “Yes I Love you”.

How to participate: Sign up under the original post of this call at the following this Facebook link:

You can also sign in through this Youtube post

Purpose session: To support energetically and spiritually those who participate in this 21-day “Yes I love you” practice, in order to raise our vibrational frequency and settle on a basis of Love and Peace that allows us to successfully flow through these 21 days of effort and practice.

What to do during / before the session: simply open yourself to receive it. You can make a statement such as this: “I open myself to receive ONLY the best of this session as long as it is for my highest good, thank you.”

What to do after the session: drink water, rest.

Session organized by Barbara Meneses, Pura Presencia Baj-pendulos Spain, free of ties, for the highest good of all including Earth.

Thanks for sharing among participants,

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