When: Today 15th August 2019
Time: 19h Madrid Spain
Session at a distance



We worked with the Pachamama pendulum to ground the group. The level of grounding of the group prior to the session was at a 3.2 out of 10. After the session, the grounding improved to a 10/10. This does not mean it will be forever at a 10/10 but for now it is. Old habits can kick in and unground us again.

We also worked with the Kundalini pendulum. The level of flow of the Kundalini energy within the group prior to the session was at a 4.1 out of 10. After the session it rose to a 10/10. Again, this will shift with our habits and other actions.

We worked with the Roses pendulum to clear the aura of the group. The level of cleanliness of the aura prior to the session from a group perspective was at a 6.3 out of 10. After the session, it was at a 10/10.

The next pendulum used was the Magdalene, transmitting the blessings of the Magdalenes, Divine Feminine and Masculine, those beings who are at the threshold of Ascension helping us raise our frequencies gradually to match that level.

Next we worked with the Oracle Queen Bee transmitting the blessings of the Great Mother. The level of openness of the group to the Great Mother was at a 3/10. This improved after the session.

Finally, we worked with the Shambhala pendulum to potentiate and enhance our life mission and raise our frequencies. The level of alignment of the group to their life mission was at a 5.3/10 which improved to a 10/10 after the session. Of course this can revert to lower levels due to negative thinking, passivity and other self inflicted limitations.

Once the session was finished, Mother Mary left us a message, here it is:

“I love you, I love you all with such a love that you will not be able to comprehend it from where you are. It is the love of a Mother that has been your mother for countless times, a mother who knows you from all your soul journeys incarnating here and there, I am with you and I have been with you and I most certainly be with you. There is nothing to fear. Fear blocks your heart and disconnects you from the Love that you are. Fear misaligns you from your essence, your path. It distorts your perceptions, your field, your senses and yet it is illusory, although it appears real.

We are now at a point in which you have walked a fair amount on your path, faced many challenges and you have cleared many issues that were holding you back.

Now is the time to be yourself in all your excellency. Raise up and take on board the greatest challenge ever, that which will propel you into your highest Destiny.

Look at your life daily, ask yourself what can you improve and do it with the spirit of elevating yourself out of your comfort zone. Challenges are good, for they strengthen your Spirit. Open up to people, dare to share more of yourself with others, let yourself be inspired and helped by others.

You are One Humanity, bridge the gap between yourselves, mend separation, restore your intrinsic brotherhood/sisterhood.

I love you, be well, Receive my blessings embedded in these words. I love you.”

Mother Mary

This session was facilitated by Barbara Meneses, Baj Pendulos Spain.

If you feel the call to make a donation you can do so through this link:

thank you,

Barbara Meneses


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