Magdalene Pendulum


Pendulum+Manual PDF+Attunement to the pendulum

4 in stock


The Magdalene Pendulum

(Pendulum+Manual in  PDF English)

The Magdalene pendulum is a Spiritual tool with a powerful vibrational charge of frequencies of the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine and the Christ consciousness working in harmony for the purpose of the Awakening, Enlightenment and the liberation of Humanity from the bondage of ignorance and darkness.

This pendulum was created in honor of the Magdalenes, a group of high spiritual beings incarnating on Earth to assist the liberation of Humanity.

The Magdalene pendulum is attuned to the Christic Magdalene consciousness. It carries the Cosmic seeds of the Magdalenes for us to awaken and unfold in our own particular way to our true nature. Both the men and women among the Magdalenes are high initiates of the Great Mysteries and have performed their sacred Alchemy awakening to the Divine Masculine and Feminine, in sacred tantric union.

The pendulum has a strong charge of Pure Centering Vibration which supports the connection to Source and brings a quality of non-duality and non-polarisation into the vibrational qualities of the pendulum. The measurements with the Lecher Antenna of this pendulum point towards a very strong presence of the Divine, Source.

From a Radiesthetic perspective, the pendulum radiates WHITE (*) although from a Spiritual perspective the strongest radiation that is coming through is the MAGENTA RAY. This vibration is deeply connected to the Magdalenes (MAGenta/MAGdalenes). It is the result of the sublimation of Violet and Red, the beginning an the end of an octave, a cycle of evolution. Magenta brings the total integration of our life experiences and helps us ascend into our next cycle of evolution on a grand scale. Magenta is connected to the Soul Star chakra above our crown, where we can access information from our Book of Life and our soul purpose and mission. The Magenta reunites what was once separated through the veils of ignorance. It reconnects.

Due to the radiations of the Magdalenes and the Magenta Ray in union with Source, that is non-polarised, this frequencies combined can bring deep spiritual healing to the human heart, supporting its awakening and reconnection to its original nature. From a soul perspective, the pendulum can support processes of deep spiritual healing, transition processes such as birth, death, sacred unions.

(*) the shape of the pendulum, an Osiris head naturally radiates Negative Green yet due to the charge and elements inside the pendulum the main radiesthetic color is White. Negative Green is a carrier wave of information used by BAJ to transmit the radiations within the pendulums.  It is a safe pendulum from a radiesthetic perspective.

Possible uses of the pendulum:

  • Support balance  of the Feminine/Masculine within us
  • Supports deep spiritual healing
  • Supports the healing of the heart from a Spiritual-energetic perspective
  • Supports our Ascensional process
  • Supports the integration of information, the balancing of information within our field bringing it to higher levels of vibration and wholeness
  • Supports tantric work, sacred union work and the healing of wounds related to both the Divine Masculine and Feminine.
  • Helps clear the aura, the meridian pathways
  • Supports the removal of blockages, limitations, structures of untruth
  • Excellent for space clearing
  • Provides deep spiritual protection
  • Supports the deepening of our connection with our Spiritual soul family
  • Supports the expansion of our higher subtle anatomy (higher chakras) while keeping us grounded
  • Supports us access the radiation of the Christic teachings connected to Love in its highest form (Agape) and profound Peace and connectedness to Source.
  • Working with forgiveness and the removal of guilt
  • Charging floral essences, oils, crystals
  • Light work with the Christic planetary grid
  • Can be used with powerful dowsing commands of restoration, resurrection regeneration, breath of Life and much more.
  • And much more!


How to use the pendulum:

You can use the pendulum in a simple way if you are new to dowsing. You will receive 2 manuals with your purchase, a manual specific for the Magdalene pendulum explaining simple techniques, and a Manual for all our Therapeutic pendulums.

If you are an advanced Dowser,the Magdalene Pendulum Manual will offer you ways in which you can perform deep pendulum healing work.


The attunement to the pendulum:

The pendulum can be personally attuned to its new owner. All we need is the full name and current location of the person who will own the pendulum.Please write this down in the area where it says “NOTAS- Notes” when placing the order. If you do not write a name date of birth we cannot attune the pendulum.

DISCLAIMER: Dowsing is by no means a substitute to Medical Care. Dowsing devices are NOT medical tools.Please consult with your physician if you suspect you are suffering any medical condition.




Product details:

  • Wooden pendulum
  • PDF Manual in English format A6 pages: 62

(In the past this pendulum was painted in a magenta type color. Due to changes in coloring, we are no longer able to provide that color. We are selling the pendulum in natural wood with the word “Magdalene” written on it.


Additional information

Weight 50 g


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