Online Level 2 Course Mental Dowsing Vibratory Radiesthesia and Pendulum Healing


Online course video format, Manual, Diploma, 2 Attunements and Coaching session. To book this course you need to have finished Level 1.


Online Course Level 2


This course takes our previous Level 1 to the next level literally. The Attunements that you will receive allowing you to connect more powerfully to the Pure Centering Vibration and the Full Spectrum of light, along with new techniques and procedures of Pendulum Healing work will lift your practice to a highest degree. If you apply to your practice these principles, your healing technique will range in the highest levels in the Map of Consciousness (Dr Hawkins).

In this course you will learn all about:

  • Dowse from the real Non dual perspective (Level 2) and also Dowse balancing polarities (Level 1).
  • The Mother/Father origin of the 12 Radiesthetic colors, the Pure Centering Vibration how to work with it and heal in practical terms.
  • Introduction to Geobiology focused in Pendulum Healing: electrical/Vertical waves and their impact in energy fields, Noxious lines and how to heal them.
  • Deeper understanding of Negative Green, the vibration of Power, in its positive and noxious aspects.
  • Important uses of White and Positive Green radiesthetic colors
  • Radionics, radionic circuits applied to Pendulum Healing
  • New uses of the Neutral pendulum
  • New uses of Mental Dowsing pendulums
  • Techniques and bioenergetic solutions to clear geopathic and technopathic stress found in the energy field and habitat of your clients
  • Neutralizers, harmonizers and counter aggressors what are they, how to measure their properties in order to purchase the best ones,  how to work with them and bring healing to our clients by means of their use.
  • A in-depth study of bioenergetic solutions with practical demos on how to use them in our healing sessions.
  • Healing the Central channel,  the Higher Mind, Healing of Special and crucial energetic points in the human biofield system and aura.
  • How to clear entities, disincarnates, logismoï
  • How to work with dowsing rods
  • How to potentiate remedies
  • An incredible experience with a wealth of knowledge and information shared from practical real-life cases
  • Healing of 3 real-life clients in video.
  • Crucial healing tips and points to maximize your healing potential
  • Pendulum healing clearings for the students throughout the videos.
  • How to create your own Healing protocols
  • And much more.

You will grow as a person, you will grow as a Dowser.


More than 14 hours Video course in streaming (Available for 2 months upon purchase)

-2 Attunements with 2 Manuals and 2 diplomas: Pure Centering Vibration Attunement and Full Spectrum of Light

-100 pages Course Manual with the full content of the course following the video format in PDF

-1 h Skype coaching session to ask questions related to the course

-Feedback given on 3 exercises to be submitted after finishing the course. (3 healing sessions to oneself, a human client, an animal).

-1 Diploma upon finishing your exercises.



-Completion of Level 1 course with exercises and Diploma. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE COMPLETED LEVEL 1 PRIOR TO BOOKING THIS COURSE. No downloads or access is provided when purchasing this course UNLESS you have completed your Level 1.

-Being mentally and emotionally stable as it is not advisable to practice Dowsing or Pendulum Healing in a state of imbalance.


Product details

-More than 14 hours Videos available in streaming for 2 MONTHS.

-Manual of the course 112 pages in PDF format.

-2 Attunements: Full Spectrum of Light and Pure Centering Vibration

-2 Manuals for the 2 attunements

-3 Diplomas: 1 Diploma for the Course upon completion of the exercises, 2 Diplomas for the attunements.

-1 Hour coaching 1 to 1 with the teacher, via Skype.


(*) We reserve the rights of admission to this course due to lack of rapport or other ethical, moral considerations.


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