Online Level 1 Course Mental Dowsing Vibratory Radiesthesia and Pendulum Healing



Non refundable. in ENGLISH. At your own pace within 2 MONTHS.


 Online Course Level 1 ( English)


Mental Dowsing, Vibratory Radiesthesia, and Pendulum Healing

This is not an ordinary course. It is the combination and distillation of a complete Therapeutical approach to Pendulum Healing taking into account the two main branches of Dowsing/ Radiesthesia: Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia put together as never before in Wholeness, in service of Pendulum Healing work for the highest good of all. The aim of this course and level 2 is to train you as a Professional Pendulum Healing Practitioner.

This course is an Advanced-Beginners level. If you are not new to pendulums yet you have never worked therapeutically with them, this course can be ideal as you will learn to integrate pendulum healing work to any therapeutical modality.

This course will guide you through the foundational practices of these two branches, Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia, to help you practice this art in the safest and the most professional of ways.

You will learn about the different tools and procedures of both branches of Dowsing and the different techniques and procedures that will help you become the most efficient dowser and Pendulum Healing Practitioner.

You will get deep insights into Pendulum healing with practical cases being commented throughout the course.

You could say this course is a “3 course in 1” offering Mental Dowsing, Vibratory Radiesthesia and Pendulum Healing teachings and experiences that you will be able to bring to practical use in your own life immediately.

Course content:

  • Foundations of Mental Dowsing: how to work in mental dowsing, which pendulums to use, conventions, pitfalls, preliminaries and preparation of the dowser for optimum results
  • Foundations of Vibratory Radiesthesia: what is vibratory radiesthesia, what are the specialized tools used in Vibratory Radiesthesia, how to use these tools to practice Vibratory radiesthesia. Why this type of dowsing is critical to improve your abilities as a dowser and allow you to practice in Wholeness with full brain integration. Techniques of vibratory Radiesthesia
  • How to measure, detect in both Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia
  • What are the Radiesthetic colors
  • How to detect, measure and transmit the radiesthetic colors both in Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia
  • How to study product compatibility with a person, client, animal both in Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia
  • How to analyze chakras, meridians, nadis, aura both in Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia
  • How to provide bioenergetic solutions to chakras, nadis, meridians, layers of the aura in Mental Dowsing, Vibratory Radiesthesia and Pendulum Healing
  • How to treat mental/emotional issues with pendulum healing, Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia
  • Pendulum healing introduction and principles
  • Pendulum Healing tools, types of pendulums, radiesthetic colors
  • Pendulum Healing procedures and applications
  • Pendulum Healing Session in person and at a distance, demo in the videos
  • Final exercise for the students to perform: 3 sessions, to oneself, to another person, to an animal.
  • This and much more, the course delivers a wealth of insights into the life of a professional dowser-healer for you to learn through osmosis, direct transmission.


Course format

-14,3 hours of Videos covering the whole course in Streaming format (access to videos FOR TWO MONTHS).

A Manual in PDF format, 99 pages in color covering the whole content of the course.

Double chart, Dowsing and teleradiesthesia Chart: Aura and body in PDF with Instruction Manual (Valued at 20 euros)

-You will be requested to present in written format or audio 3 pendulum healing sessions applying the information of the course in order to obtain a diploma (A self treatment, a session on someone and/or a session to an animal).

1-hour Coaching session with the tutor on a 1 to 1 via Skype/ Whatsapp (valued at 90 euros) to answer all your questions related to the course.



-You will need a Neutral pendulum available at our Online Store or elsewhere (Make sure you really buy a neutral pendulum that has been de-polarized).

It has been brought to my attention that certain US society of dowsers are confusing what is a Neutral pendulum and are labelling the Simplified Universal Pendulum as a neutral pendulum. This is not correct. The Neutral pendulum as seen in this picture is a de-polarized pendulum and does not have a battery inside as does the Simplified Universal pendulum which is NOT a neutral pendulum. Please make sure you purchase a Neutral pendulum from a store that knows the difrerence.(Barbara Meneses).

-You need to be mentally and emotionally stable to work with Dowsing and Pendulum Healing.

-You need an Internet connection and be able to watch videos with your computer/ tablet. Make sure you can before purchasing this course as it is NOT refundable.

-You need to speak and understand English well enough. Check our English videos to see if you can understand us.


This course is an Advanced level 1 course. Eventhough I thought I would had difficulties following through, the teacher provides to us ,with great generosity, all her tips and tricks of her profession. I managed to not only understand the art of Dowsing but also to achieve great results myself. The manual provides great information, I would say the overall experience is a 10/10. I loved the course, especially Vibratory Radiesthesia. A very dynamic and lively course. I learned so much in a week end! The techniques provided are really good to keep yourself vibrationally uplifted. I plan to keep on learning with Barbara on her next levels”. Pilar R., attorney.

I congratulate you for your serious work in the Dowsing field. There are many things written out there but very few with the seriousness and rigurosity in which you cover these matters. You are unique in the way you treat people, the quality of your pendulums. I am a Medical doctor. I have been years working and studying in the Dowsing field . I have done your Online course Level 1 and I can say it is serious, professional and rigurous. In spite of having practiced general Dowsing, mental and Vibratory and Cabalistic Dowsing, I have found very practical aspects on your work that I couldn´t find elsewhere which are very useful” S.R, Medical Doctor.

I loved this course. I thought it was going to be a typical basic Dowsing course and it was much more than that; it went beyond my expectations. We learned a lot. Barbara answered all our questions and satisfied our curious minds. We performed a very serious and deep work not only at the level of the teaching and learning, but also at the level of becoming more conscious of how to work within ourselves. I find this work to be a very enriching therapy and healing modality that will be very valuable for my day to day life. I plan to use it on animals, with myself, to test the food I eat, where to place my plants and grow my veggies. I find this tool and this teaching to have an unlimited potential. This course is very active and creative. Barbara is a great teacher who knows what she is talking about. I can´t wait for Level 2 to go deeper into this world.Communicator. Clara M C. Therapist and Animal Communicator

As an animal therapist, this course has opened my mind to the world of pendulum healing which is very gratifying as it will enhance any other healing modality that you already practice. The combination of Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia is essential to benefit the maximum from all that this field can offer to us. Thanks for the experience I hope to be able to repeat it.” Tania, Animal therapist.

“First of all I want to thank Barbara for her kindness and professionality teaching this course. I had already some sort of previous experience in Dowsing but this course went way beyond my expectations as it sat the ground foundations of Dowsing in a very technical and structured manner. The course is very intense and much deeper than expected and provides the means to integrate this information within other healing modalities that you may be practicing which is a bonus”. C. Editor and publisher.

“Barbara makes us feel Dowsing in our bones, she is a great communicator and her courses offer us the opportunity to grow and learn this wonderful healing modality. She makes sure all the students undertand the theoretical and practical sides of this teaching. An unforgetable experience that I hope to repeat. J. Human Resources.

“This course marks a before and after for me in the field of Dowsing. Besides Barbara being a wonderful person, she is a great communicator transmitting with great clarity from her extense experience and wisdom the depth of the combination between Mental Dowsing and Vibratory Radiesthesia applied to Pendulum, Healing. I am totally thrilled and enthusiastic about the potentials of this work I cannot be more grateful for this opportunity to expand my knowledge of Dowsing and take it further, supporting my clients and family members with this healing modality. Thank you Barbara and thank you Baj Pendulos for the great quality of your tools”. Laura /Chiropractic.


There is a before and after this course, indeed. Barbara is masterful. I am impressed by her experience and her wisdom. This course opens doors and I can say my life has changed bringing hope and freshness. I received what I was silently waiting for!” Miguel, farmer.

This week end I attended the Level 1 course and, eventhough I am not professionally dedicated to the field of Dowsing, I have practiced it for years and have read a fair deal amount of books on Dowsing. I loved Barbara´s course. The content and practical sides of the course go way beyond what I have found in other materials. Anyone attending this course will have years of exploration and practical work to do with the tools, tips and techniques provided. One is able to reach real Mastery when practicing the content of the course. The course has no wasted words nor superficiality. It is a real blessing to have attended this course. In one week end I learned what I wouldn´t have learned in years. Thank you Barbara”. Jesus, Teacher.

“I am thrilled with all the information I have received from this course. I feel much more centered, self confident, and with tools to perform things I would have never imagined I could perform before this course. I feel that wonderful doors of investigation and work have opened for me through this course. Thank you from the bottom of my heart”,Irene, Animal therapist.



Product details:

This course is for one person only, aimed for private use or in the context of a therapeutical practice (*)

You will receive access to the course once we have approved your payment and admission


  • -21 Videos for a total of 14,3 hours in streaming format covering the full material. Personal Access For TWO MONTHS.
  • -PDF Manual 99 pages covering the full course material.
  • -Double Dowsing and Teleradiesthesia PDF chart in ANSI B US format and A3 European format with a PDF instruction manual.
  • -1 Hour coaching Skype on a One to One to ask questions related to the course.
  • -Diploma upon completion of the 3 exercises which allows you to access our Level 2.


(*) We reserve the rights of admission to this course due to lack of rapport or other ethical, moral considerations.

RUN A TEST PRIOR TO PAYING FOR THE COURSE. See if you can watch our videos and download a test document . More info HERE

A Pura Presencia Academy ™ course 


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