Reiki 5 Elements


Attunement, at a distance




 Reiki 5 elements at a distance attunement + PDF instructions English +Diploma PDF


Attunement for personal use of the therapist or dowser (not to initiate others) that will allow you to channel this specific form of Reiki both in massage sessions, laying on of hands and in dowsing sessions.

Reiki 5 elements is a form of classic Reiki but focused on channeling in a general and specific way all, one, or several of the elements that make up the reality we live: fire, air, water, earth and ether. .

Each of these elements contributes to the construction of the material world, be it our physical body, our mental and emotional system, the biological functions of our organism and its reflections in other areas of our life.

Imbalances in one or more of these elements can lead to the person suffering from chronic conditions in the long run due to excess or lack of certain elemental radiations.



The attunement is accompanied by basic instructions in PDF, in Spanish in order to be able to activate the initiation and use it in the different possible variables. The instructions are simple, they do not presuppose a Reiki course, so we understand that whoever is interested in this initiation has at least level 1 in classic Reiki and is familiar with the hand positions, the general concept of Reiki and the way of work with that energy.

Likewise, the dowser can connect with this initiation and use it to channel the energy of Reiki 5 elements in pendulum harmonization sessions, focusing on all the elements or on those elements that have been detected in the client in a state of imbalance, lack or excess.

Initiation can also serve to

  • Infuse stones, crystals
  • Infuse, charge water
  • Infuse, charge auric sprays
  • Work on the harmonization of spaces





  • Attunement transmitted over a distance (does not need to be online)
  • PDF manual in English with simple instructions
  • Diploma in PDF

Who transmits the attunement: your facilitator

We need the name, surname, date of birth of the recipient, write it to us in the Notes section when making the purchase)



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