Tree of Life bioenergetic session


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Tree of Life bioenergetic session

In this session we will work through our bioenergetic measurement and resolution techniques on the Tree of Life as an energetic, spiritual and growth pattern of a person’s Soul.

In this session we will measure and analyze those dynamics that, through bioenergetic dialogue with the client’s global intelligence, we can discover and we will work with that information to provide bioenergetic solutions within our reach in order to help those objectives that are most apparent and that emerge in the session like:

  • Balance aspects of the personal Tree of Life
  • Promote the healthy oscillation of dynamics in the Tree
  • Activate, awaken, stimulate the different sephirots (spheres)
  • Discover relevant information that, when kept hidden, caused crystallization, rigidity and enhanced the accumulation of toxicity in the klipot (*)
  • Improvement in the person’s spiritual connection with the Source through the release of those patterns found in the session
    And much more


Session effects:

The effects can be many, from the increase of consciousness in those hitherto hidden, obscured, unrecognized areas and the subsequent process of release of psycho-energetic toxins, to the sensation of lightness, liberation, opening, expansion, illumination that allows The person opens their consciousness to greater access to the Divine Light, and can therefore access higher “levels” of realization, understanding, integration, wholeness.

Tools: We will work with the Lecher Antenna and other bioenergetic tools when necessary

Legal Notice: These sessions do not replace the medical care required by those with a clinical condition. Dowsing, bioenergetic sessions are just subtle non-invasive energetic interventions in our case, carried out from a distance.

Notice: The purchase of this session presupposes acceptance by the client that this is an energetic session without promises or expectations regarding the results.


(*) Klipa-Klipot:  a Klipa (plural “klipot) is a shell surrounding the spheres of the Tree of Life where we can have missing fragments of our soul and crystallizations, blockages.




  • Bioenergetic session held at a distance for 1h to 1.5hours.
  • An audio and written report from the session will be sent via email after the session.
  • We need full name, date of birth and recent picture of the person alone with no persons or pets in the picture.
  • We will calculate the ideal time to hold this session in  accordance to your energy field.The soonest possible. We will communicate the date via email. (make sure you write your email correctly and check SPAM box 🙂




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